Virtual fonts

The virtual font system is an ingenious system of font substitution that would allow DVIview users to use the normal Acorn fonts in their documents and to replace missing TEX fonts with other fonts (either TEX or outlines). Implementing virtual fonts in DVIview doesn't look particularly hard, the problem, however, is creating the virtual font files (vf) and TEX font metrics (tfm) files for the RISC OS fonts. These can be created by hand in the form of human-readable vp files, which can be converted to and from vf and tfm files using the vftovp and vptovf programs, which are supplied in Robin Watts' TEX distribution.

I suspect that the vf and vp files could be partly (and maybe fully) created automatically from the RISC OS IntMetrics files but this would require someone to write the conversion program.

Another option is to try to find the vf and tfm files for the equivalent postscript fonts (at least the Courier, Helvetica and Times families) and modify these.

If someone has the relevant vf and tfm files or is prepared to attempt a conversion program (I can provide details of all the relevant file formats) then let me know.